No Mandatory Home School Registry in Michigan!

State lawmaker Matt Koleszar, Attorney General Dana Nessel, and state Superintendent Michael Rice have each proposed the creation of a new, harsh, and terrifying state registry designed to target home school families and children whose parents choose to send them to private or parochial schools.

The politicians’ attack on home school and christian and parochial school families isn’t fooling anyone. It’s a brazen attempt to bully, frighten and intimidate parents who choose not to send their children to traditional public schools. Their claim that they want to protect “missing” children is code for wanting to force families that left public education during or after COVID back into the crumbling public education system.

We’ve got parents’ backs, and we’ll never back down. But we need your help.

Please sign the petition below to let Dana Nessel, Matt Koleszar, Michael Rice and their allies know that Michigan parents won’t be bullied and we won’t be intimidated.

 Together, we’ll stop this attack on our kids.